The United States Housing Act of 1937 is a program designed to provide housing and create jobs by providing financial assistance to the States and political subdivisions for the elimination of unsafe and unsanitary housing conditions, for the eradication of slums, reduction of unemployment, stimulation of business activity, and the development of affordable housing.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) was created in 1965 with major departments of Community Planning and Development, Housing, and Public and Indian Housing.

In the State of Texas, a Public Housing Authority is a non-profit, public corporation that is considered a unit of local government. Granbury Housing Authority (GHA) has its own governing board that makes legal decisions and does not answer to other governments to conduct business.

Granbury Housing Authority is NOT a federal agency although a large portion of funding is received from HUD.

Granbury Housing Authority is NOT part of the City although the Board of Commissioners is appointed by the City Mayor.

GHA is responsible for the planning, financing, constructing, purchasing, leasing and managing the property subject to applicable laws and contractual relationships with HUD and the local governing body (City of Granbury). All Housing Authorities are governed by state and federal law.